History and Future of Web Development Structure

May 22, 2024
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History and Future of Web Development Structure

An early website

Before the arrival of the 21st century, websites were primarily developed using C and Perl. Database frameworks were not the era they are today. The internet was slow, and the cost of installing and running servers was considerable, so even the database could not be afforded enough to care about. As a result, most websites were created by so-called 'webmasters'. However, the trend soon changed.databases, servers, and basic technologies

Servers, databases, and fundamental technologies


After many years, people wanted to do more enjoyable things on the Internet. This desire was reflected in the multimedia web. Flash and ActiveX were used, and the structure of the website became more and more complex. Accordingly, the role of web development was divided from webmaster to client developer, server developer, and web designer.


Web server technology has brought ASP, JSP, and PHP. With these various technological advances, the technology responsible for the infrastructure structure has also developed, enabling it to handle various complex requests. As the server-side framework is developed, a more efficient database structure is desired, and as a result, MySQL and SQL server satisfy it.

Dynamic data transfer with AJAX

Google has shocked web developers around the world. Google Maps showed the ability to transfer data without changing pages. Up until then, the data transmission mechanism was quite static. Before that, some developers used frames to create the effect of dynamically transferring data, but that was a fake. Google, on the other hand, used a technology called AJAX to show everyone that the web would be completely new.


AJAX stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Google's brilliant developers have presented the world with an innovative asynchronous data processing mechanism that has been implemented in JavaScript. For a long time, JavaScript was treated as a nuisance due to a number of errors, browser compatibility issues, instability, and lack of standards. The first JavaScript was simply used to decorate the web, with limited functionality and role. However, this trend change ushered in the era of dynamic web, and we became interested in DHTML and XHTML.

The Age of Web Apps


With the standardization of HTML5, client-side technology has also advanced. Now, more JSON utilization and an API called web service have emerged. By the late 2000s, many frameworks and libraries appeared, representative of which are jQuery and Prototype. In the web server field, ASP.net , JSP, PHP, Python, and Ruby have filled in, and Google Docs, which has appeared since 2008, is a good example of the change from desktop programs to web apps.

The present

Numerous things have happened since then, but the most important events are the tremendous expansion of mobile devices and cloud computing. The so-called cloud service can be said to have reduced the cost of numerous services using the network by tens to hundreds of times. Existing servers need to consider the personnel who purchase, install, connect, and manage server hardware, and each technology was never an easy task. On the other hand, the cloud service market, which is developing led by Amazon, has now become an infrastructure used not only by large companies but also by government agencies and the CIA.



In the future, I think the web will become closer to web apps and desktop programs will decrease. Proactive web apps that can be used anytime, anywhere aim to be compatible with all platforms and devices. These progressive web apps are expected to push out programs that need to be installed one by one. In addition, data transfer and storage costs are decreasing at a tremendous rate, and the cloud market will inevitably grow rapidly due to this price decline.

Mobile devices are still growing on Android and iOS, but you'll see competitors in the future. Numerous companies are making every effort to attract people to their own OS. GitHub is also the world's largest community of programmers and an open-source repository. Following the developers' words, "Never re-invent the wheel," this open-source technology will accelerate the build process and serve as a good source for startups. Their lead on the open-source that Microsoft has so sought to push back (almost declared war) demonstrates what future development trends will look like.

Since the Internet is used on all devices, web developers will have to implement more compatible products based on the web. The future is open to web developers and web applications that will never be closed.